As a medical specialist, it becomes easy to bill for a telephone consultation initiated by a doctor, pharmacist or other professional. Never miss a payment request because you dont have what it takes to create a RAMQ invoice.- Easily locate the professional who calls you- Automatic validation of the patients existence at the RAMQ- Transmission of a copy for the patients medical file, if desired- Review by our team of experts before sending to RAMQAll other RAMQ billing methods for medical specialists and general practitioners will be gradually added to the application, always with the same objectives of ease and compliance, while reducing oversights.Find out how to register with our billing agency in advance: (819) 346-0499 or at
[email protected] Nestor Assistant is an application developed by the Société des médecins de lUniversité de Sherbrooke, whose expertise in complex medical billing has been recognized for more than 50 years in Quebec.